Hey guys!
Guess what? I just watched Hotel for Dogs! And it was great and hillarious! ;)
The story is about a 16-year-old sister, Andi, and 11-year-old brother, Bruce have bounced back and forth between orphanges and foster parents about few years without finding comfort and satisfaction. Both brother and sister had secretly kept a pet dog named, Friday. Then one night, after saved Friday from the pound, the found an old hotel and starting from that night they kept Friday at the hotel and started saving stray dogs. Its really cool when all the dogs succesfully trained with few mechanical gadgets that made by Bruce, to let the dogs to do all their stuff such eating, sleeping, peeing, and pooping. Hahaha. So, overall the movie is great! :D You guys should watch this movie.

Hahaha. By the way, i love this movie because Emma Roberts is in the movie!:p She is beautiful! And cute! Hahaha. So, take a look for this movie.

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