
Friday, March 5, 2010

Updating blog -.-''

i donno why lately ni malas sgt nak meng-update blog.
Bace others blog pnye la rajin(hehe:D) , idea da melimpah2 da nak tulis. Tapi,,
malas tahap gaban! Hahaha.
Mne x nye,, sampai depan laptop nak menaip je,, BLANK!! haa! tnsion2!! Haishh!

So,, as we all know, SPM's results going to be announce on this 11march.
Nothing else that we can do now. Just pray and hope our result will be the best for us.
Prepare yourself! Mentally and physically.
Ne taw time keluar result nnti pengsan ke pe ke kannn. Who knows...

So, disebabkan result klua awal daripada yg dijangka,
thats mean,, bdak2 PLKN pn balik awal la! Hahaha.
A little yeayy for me!! :D:D:D:D

thats all for now